ankt (tech, cinema, literature, and the human mind)

This website is a WIP. If you have any comments / suggestions, feel free to email me!
a stylised picture of a cat walking on roofs


Hello! welcome to my website. I'm an 18-yr old high school graduate from India who loves technology, art, and machines. Check out my ArtStation to see the little bit of art I have made. I'm fairly curious and I love to have fun ;)

my philosophy

I love tech minimalism and am a FOSS enjoyer. I'm not a huge fan of post-modern industrialism as I think that it has, in the long run, led to us becoming dopamine-addicts. We are basically the neuron activated meme, doomscrolling social media until the day gets over and the inevitable sense of regret washes over us, and we cry ourselves to sleep. Basically Uncle Ted[1], minus the urge to mail pipe bombs (my lawyer recommended I add the last statement).